Link to 神についての全て and the other AllAboutGOD.com content.
Please let us know when you link to us so we can keep you updated when we release new vortals. While we are happy for you to link to our site, please do not copy the content on our site and resyndicate it in any form including on your site. This would be a violation of our Copyright and can cause our site harm in search engine rankings.
I. Text Link Only:sample: 神についての全て
All you need to do is copy what's in the box below and paste it into your html code.
To copy: click on the box below, press Ctrl-A (to select all), press Ctrl-C (to copy) and then in your website page generation tool, press Ctrl-P (to paste).
II. Text Link and Description:
sample: 神についての全て -
All you need to do is copy what's in the box below and paste it into your html code.
To copy: click on the box below, press Ctrl-A (to select all), press Ctrl-C (to copy) and then in your website page generation tool, press Ctrl-P (to paste).
III. Vortal Logo, Text Link and Description: sample:

神についての全て -
All you need to do is copy what's in the box below and paste it into your html code.
To copy: click on the box below, press Ctrl-A (to select all), press Ctrl-C (to copy) and then in your website page generation tool, press Ctrl-P (to paste).
IV. Main Logo, Text Link and All Vortals: sample:
All you need to do is copy what's in the box below and paste it into your html code.
To copy: click on the box below, press Ctrl-A (to select all), press Ctrl-C (to copy) and then in your website page generation tool, press Ctrl-P (to paste).
V. Link to specific pages: You are welcome to link directly to any of the other pages within the site.
VI. Questions about linking and framesets: If you have questions please let us know. Also when you link to us let us know so we can update you when we release new content.