All About GOD
The Ministry has a Board of Directors that acts in the role of corporate review and accountability for areas of vision, growth, content and stewardship. Here's the current Board:
Greg Outlaw, President & CEO, All About GOD Ministries, Inc.
John Carley, President & CEO, TriNet Internet Solutions, Inc.
Tony Romero, Director of Operations, Sowing Circle Ministries (BlueLetterBible.org).
Carl Moeller, CEO, Biblica.
AllAboutGOD Results: From May 2002 to December 2021, AllAboutGOD.com saw 378 million gospel presentations, with 3.024 million people indicating decisions for Jesus and over 125 million discipleship engagements from every country in the world! We now see the majority of those who reach out to us, get connected with a local pastor, so they can grow to live like Jesus in a local Christian community. All praise be to God alone who grants us favor on the web and gives the increase!
Read or download our Annual Report PDF.
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