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A Return To God - The power of a mother’s prayers! The story of a prodigal son who returned to Jesus after 20 years of rebellion.
Answered Prayer - God does answer prayers! God does answer a mother’s most fervent prayer for the soul of her beloved son!
Biblical Fasting - What is the purpose? What is the focus? What is the result? Find out the basics and importance of this practice.
Christian Fasting - Denying something physical to glorify God and go deeper with Him in the Spirit. A recommended lifestyle for spiritual growth.
Christian Leadership - The lack of Christian leadership in a family leads to instability. Communication disappears, spiritual roots disintegrate, and relationships struggle.
Christian Legacy - Delivering the answers and equipping others to do the same. This is my God-given outreach and legacy as a Prodigal Son.
Christian Prayer - The Lord's Prayer - Christ's model for all of us. Meditation. Quiet thoughts. Insights to help deepen your communication with God.
Christian Prayer Video - Participate in the worship song, Obsession. It is shared by the group Worship mob and BraveWorld studios.
Christian Worship - Showing reverence and gratitude to God who is worthy of all worship and praise. Learn the difference between worship and singing.
Christian Worship Video - Participate in the worship song, All Who Are Thirsty. It is shared by the group Worship mob and BraveWorld studios.
Christmas Dinner Prayer - As you plan your Christmas holiday, don’t overlook the cause for rejoicing. Find out how to celebrate the birth of Jesus with a blessing for your family.
Christmas Dinner Prayer Video - As a mother and son unpack the Christmas decorations they also unpack some less than happy memories involving the manger scene and some peanut butter covered fingers.
Consecration - Not an act of salvation for the child, but an act of faith by the parents to “set apart” to the Lord.
Corporate Prayer - What is corporate prayer? What is its purpose? Is corporate prayer more powerful than private prayer? Find out here.
Crucified With Christ Video - Participate in the worship song, Lead Me To The Cross. It is shared by the group Worship mob and BraveWorld studios.
Daily Prayer - Ever wonder if God hears you talking to Him? Would He listen to what you have to say? Read answers.
Daily Prayer Video - What are we really asking for when we pray for patience, forgiveness, or understanding? Ultimately, we're trusting in God alone to grant us our requests.
Daniel Fast - What is a Daniel Fast? What are the guidelines? Why would you choose this type of fast? Is it safe?
Faith In God - Although bolstered by evidence and transformed lives, our faith should be simple and pure, like the perspective of a child.
Family Prayer - Do you have a desire to pray together as a family but lack the confidence to do so? This will help!
Family Prayer Video - What is fatherhood all about? How much time do you have? The SkitGuys tackle this all important topic.
Fear Not - Do you need solace and peace in a difficult situation? Do you feel worthless and ineffectual? God’s waiting to guide you!
Firm Foundation - Establish a strong foundation for your children. Teach them the right path, and when they are older, they’ll stand on it.
Free Will - I knew I had to let my son exercise his free will and discover a personal relationship with God on his own.
Full Armor of God - Be strong with the Lord's mighty power! After reading Ephesians 6:10-18 together, my son decided that he wanted “arm up” for himself.
Glory To God - He is glorified through His creation, His works, His son Jesus, and believers who are living for Him.
Glory to God Video - Participate in the worship song, Agnus Dei. It is shared by the group Worship mob and BraveWorld studios.
God Remembers - Thank You so much heavenly Father for remembering my sacrifices. You have blessed me abundantly.
God's Banner - I am Yours, and You are mine, and my heart is filled with love for You today. Help me to be ever mindful of Your declarations of love.
God's Call for Intimacy - What is intimacy and how it is attained? Do we long for God... to have intimacy with Him?
God's Covering - The circumstances you are experiencing are but drops in the sea of God's capabilities. Learn how God covers you.
God's Forgiveness Video - Participate in the worship song, How He Loves Us. It is shared by the group Worship mob and BraveWorld studios.
God's Fruitful Field - As the farmer waits for the rain with patience, so must you wait for God. The many years you have spent in preparation were necessary.
God's Mercies - Come quietly, and sit with Me awhile, and let Me encourage you today. All is not lost; all is not hopeless.
God's Perspective - Remember My salvation and the lessons you learned through the seasons of your life. Discard the unnecessary thoughts.
God's Support - Disappointment is such an insidious little fox, sneaking in before you realize it. It always waits patiently for you to be distracted from God.
God's Sweet Nectar - Learn to drink continually from the nectar of communion with God. Comfort, as you have been comforted.
God's Tender Moments - Pour into the pool of my life, into the deep places of my longing, that I may hear the whispers of Your heart. Show me unsearchable things I know not.
God's Blessings - Whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. When your faith is tested, your endurance grows.
God's Promises - After decades of prayer, God was working in my son’s life! So I focused on God’s faithfulness and continued my prayers.
God's Timing Is Perfect - God’s in control and He loves you. He knows what’s best for you and your loved ones. Trust in God’s plan.
Guardian Angels - Do these messengers of God exist? What is the support? Can we contact our angel to find out about our future?
Healing Prayers - Can I receive healing from God? Do I need more faith? Understand the concept of healing and why God heals some but not others.
Hindrances to Prayer - What does the Bible say about effective prayer? What hinders prayer? What is our responsibility for our prayers and how can we be more effective?
Hindrances to Prayer Video - A couple of things that hinder talking with God. The immediate and mundane demands of life, and even relationship can rob us of what we know is the most important thing we'll ever do...Talk with God.
How Great Thou Art - This old hymn is packed with meaningful words on the power of God. Consider the history and the lyrics.
How to Pray for Revival - Pray to see His Spirit pour out across this land to bring thousands and thousands to Him.
How to Pray for Revival* - Find out how to pray for revival, renewal, and the Spirit of God to move on the hearts of men and women in whatever country you are in.
Infants And Toddlers - Figure out that fragile little infant, and he turns into a reckless toddler. Cries of helplessness turn to shrieks of defiance.
Intercessory Prayer - The biblical foundation for intercession on behalf of others. A scriptural look at our model intercessor and High Priest, Jesus Christ.
Intercessory Prayer Video - Participate in the worship song, Air I Breathe. It is shared by the group Worship mob and BraveWorld studios.
Knowing God - How can I truly know God? How can I fully seek Him? Can I understand His perfect love?
Knowing God Video - Randall Niles discusses the Ultimate Pursuit of Life. What is it? What is the meaning of life?
Letters to God - Faith - Follow one woman's journey through trial to learning to trust God in all circumstances. Read her prayers to her father.
Letters to God - Fear - Read excerpts of journal entries and prayers to God, made in heart-felt dependence on God. Find hope in the midst of fear.
Letters to God - Joy - We all long to finish the race with joy and faithfulness. Read these accounts of living with an eternal perspective.
Living Sacrifice - Christians are called to die to their former selves in service to God and others. Understanding this biblical truth.
Living Sacrifice Video - Participate in the worship song, To Know Your Name. It is shared by the group Worship Mob and BraveWorld studios.
Lord's Prayer - How should Christians pray to God the Father? Here's a devotion based on Christ's model in the Book of Matthew.
Lord's Prayer Video - Why should we pray in the will of God? Hank talks to Bobby about it. Learn more here.
Men Praying - Why do many men feel that prayer equals weakness? Consider these thoughts on how prayer fits into authentic manhood.
Miracle Of Birth - One of the greatest of God’s blessings. Birth is regarded by many parents as the most important, blessed accomplishment in life.
Model Prayer - What did Jesus teach us about prayer? What guidelines were we given? Find out what the Bible says.
Model Prayer Video - What was the point of Jesus' prayer? What can we learn from it? Find out here.
Nature Of God - A short touching story of discovering God's presence, praising His name, and understanding His unconditional love. Gaze on these things!
Nature of God Video - Participate in the worship song, Tear Down the Walls. It is shared by the group Worship mob and BraveWorld studios.
Positive Thinking - During difficult times, our human instinct is to turn from God and focus on self-sufficiency and self-help. Don’t!
Power Of Prayer - How can my prayers be more powerful? Is there a secret formula? Does God really answer? Learn what the Bible says.
Power Of Prayer - I turned my son over to God in prayer, often up to four times a day. I prayed for his salvation!
Power of Prayer Video - You make all things beautiful in my darkest night; Out of the ashes You bring life... Looking for hope? Worship with Destinysong.
Praise And Worship - More than singing songs in church, it's a lifestyle of love from the heart. A biblical perspective on true worship.
Praise and Worship Video - What is your part in worship? Are you missing the blessing of worshiping God?
Praise To God - How is praising Him accomplished? Why is it important to me? Discover why the Heavenly Father is worthy of worship.
Praising God - Thanking and adoring the Heavenly Father for His goodness and grace. Learn the importance of praise and implement it into your life.
Prayer - What is prayer and why is it important to me and my spiritual journey? Find helpful resources here.
Prayer And Fasting - Abstaining from food for the purpose of focusing on God. As you rely on Him for wisdom and direction, He will answer.
Prayer Discipline - Does God really hear and answer? Why do we pray even when we don’t see His answer? Learn about the discipline of prayer.
Prayer Discipline Video - What are some tips for developing a prayer discipline? Learn from North Point Ministries.
Prayer for Peace - Is worry plaguing your life? Do you desire to find peace in your heart through prayer? Consider this prayer.
Prayer for Peace Video - The Franz Family is an amazingly talented family band. Listen to their prayer for peace.
Prayer for Students - Why do we pray for our kids? Does it help them? How can I pray for them? Do you have suggestions for what I can pray?
Prayer Of Jabez - Enlarge your territory and increase your impact. Attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed - unless God steps in.
Prayers for Children - Learn how to teach a child to pray, what to say, and what to expect. Understand the importance of children’s prayers.
Prayers for the Dying - Do you want to say a prayer for someone close to you who is dying? Consider this prayer for peace and comfort.
Prayers for Women - Do you struggle with praying? Learn how to pray effectively, what to pray for, and how to gain confidence in praying aloud.
Prayers for Women Video - Cathe Laurie discusses the top three reasons people don't pray. Find out here.
Praying God’s Word - What does it mean to pray God’s Word? How is it done? Can my prayer life be enriched through this practice?
Questioning Christianity - As a teenager, my son began questioning Christianity and doubting his faith. The simple message no longer worked for him.
Return Of The Prodigal Son - My son returned to Jesus! Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer and did not withdraw his unfailing love from me.
Serenity Prayer - Study the whole prayer and learn how it can impact your life. From where does your help come?
Spiritual Growth - Elementary school is a great time to establish foundation and spiritual growth for your kids. Disciple children while they’re eager to learn.
Story of the Prodigal Son - Present-day stories of Prodigal Sons are some of the most heart-wrenching experiences for Christian parents -- a universal challenge to faith.
Surrender To God - What does this biblical phrase mean? Does surrender only have something to do with giving up? Discover that unconditional surrender is victory.
Surrender to God Video - Participate in the worship song, My Reward. It is shared by the group Worship mob and BraveWorld studios.
Thanksgiving Prayer - Was prayer included in the first Thanksgiving celebration? How can I prepare for my Thanksgiving Day prayer? What do I say?
Unanswered Prayer Video - When you feel forsaken, hold on to the knowledge that God always comes through. He's never too early, but never too late.
Waiting on God - Are you tired of waiting for God’s perfect timing? What is the purpose of the wait? Does God have a reason?
Ways to Pray Video - What does the Bible say about prayer? What are things we should request of God? What should be the focus?
What Is Prayer - How does a person talk to God? What are we supposed to say to Him? Does God care? Read more.
What is Prayer Video - Randall Niles uses some 21st century visuals from the technology world to explore the potential physics of prayer.
Why Should We Pray Video - Hank talks with Bobby about the point of prayer and why it's important that Christians pray. What's the point of prayer?
Worship - Praising God in Spirit and Truth. Glorifying God with the heart of David. It's all about God and His glory!

    * New Content

WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

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Why Should God Let You In Heaven

How to Know God
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