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What others are saying!

Al Mueller, President, Excellence in Giving
Keith Seabourn, CTO, Campus Crusade for Christ
Mark Mittelberg, Best-Selling Author and Apologist
Dr. Allan H. Beeber, Campus Crusade for Christ
Dr. Ken Gibson, Founder and CEO of LearningRx, Inc.
Jim Milligan, Chairman and CEO, Sowing Circle Ministries
Greg Leith, Director, BIOLA University
Terry Behimer, Managing Editor, NAVPress
Tom Youngblood, Vice President, International Bible Society
Dr. Carl A. Moeller, President/CEO, Biblica
Chris Duncan, CEO, BBL Forum
Walt Wilson, President, Palo Alto Research Group

"I would like to offer my unqualified endorsement of the ministry, All About God. The leadership team has a servant's heart and outstanding professional expertise. They have applied their God given talents successfully to using technology to reach the skeptic and the seeker. Their information is also valuable to those who are following Christ but need answers for themselves or their friends. I appreciate All About God's tremendous financial stewardship and willingness to serve other ministries unselfishly. They have a true "kingdom perspective" and I believe God will use their humble hearts and technical skills to reach many in the years ahead."
-- Al Mueller, President, Excellence in Giving

" is serious about internet evangelism. They combine an amazing understanding of how people find information on the internet with an intentional flow, moving people from seeking spiritual information to finding Jesus Christ. They are serious, they have a plan, and they are seeing success in their ministry!"
-- Keith Seabourn, Chief Technology Officer, Campus Crusade for Christ

" gets it right: The best of technology mixed with the best of answers and information -- combined to communicate the message of Christ to an online culture."
-- Mark Mittelberg, Best-Selling Author and Apologist

"When the Lord seeks to establish new beachheads in the Enemy's territory, He often calls unique groups into existence. is such a creation. Their heart to share the Truth via the Internet is yielding increasingly effective results. It is a privilege to work in partnership with them."
-- Rev. Dr. Allan H. Beeber, Director, WorldLINC, Campus Crusade for Christ

" is changing lives by using the efficiency of the internet to tailor the Gospel message to individual interests and needs. What a powerful and life-giving ministry! touches people where they’re at, based on what they’re looking for, in a way that starts by answering a simple question and ends with addressing their deepest and most important need. People who would never walk into a brick and mortar church are hearing the Gospel in the privacy of their own homes, as they are searching for information and open to learning new things. It’s hard to imagine more fertile ground for the Good News that this ministry is bringing, quite literally, to the world at a cost effectiveness that just can’t be matched."
-- Dr. Ken Gibson, Founder and CEO, LearningRx

"The members of the ministry at Sowing Circle / have had the unique privilege of co-laboring with our brothers and sisters at for the past 18 months. We bear witness to their heart to provide Biblical answers to the world at large about various questions we encounter in life, and most importantly, the answer to our eternal salvation, that being our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have seen their heart to minister through the Internet, and we have also seen their commitment to the study of the Word of God and to intercessory prayer, as they joined our fellowship in weekly devotions. By faith, they followed as the Lord has lead them to Colorado Springs. We deeply miss their presence in our lives here in California."
-- Jim Milligan, Chairman and CEO, Sowing Circle Ministries

"Where do over 250,000 seekers a month come to find out about God? Not always to the bricks and mortar church in your neighborhood. Lately, they've been coming to -- except not in dribs and drabs, but by the tens of thousands! Imagine a new 'bricks and mortar' ministry having over 8,500 people show up every day to discuss the claims of Jesus Christ. I think we'd be amazed beyond belief. In fact, it's happening every day at! I am thrilled to see what God is doing at this virtual meeting place, where seekers and skeptics meet Jesus and are convinced and transformed into worshippers of the Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!"
-- Greg Leith, Director of Business and Corporate Relations, BIOLA University

"We here at NAVPress get all excited about the fact that we get to reach thousands of people with the Gospel. Now imagine multiplying that into the hundreds of thousands and 'excitement' doesn't begin to convey the impact! Well, that's what is doing…and very well!"
-- Terry Behimer, Managing Editor, NAVPress

"I enthusiastically endorse the work and ministry of Believe me, these guys are sold out to the Lord -- they are, each one, All About GOD. It is Kingdom builders like these that we need. They are using their spiritual gifts, talents and resources to serve us. It is a must that we embrace them and move forward with the Great Commission together."
-- Tom Youngblood, Vice President, International Bible Society

" is truly one of the most innovative and helpful sites around. I am convinced that it is one of God’s most effective tools to reach lost people in the digital age. Use it – share it – and pray! Lives will be changed."
-- Dr. Carl A. Moeller, President/CEO, Biblica

" was created for 'such a time as this!' Their websites present the truth of God in a clear and compelling manner. Thousands are coming to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ through their ministry and many more Christians are getting their own questions answered and deepening their faith. The gifted team at has an incredible love for the Lord, servant’s hearts, and a passion to help fulfill the Great Commission in our generation. I highly endorse the team and the way in which they’re carrying out the mission God has given them!"
-- Chris Duncan, CEO, BBL Forum

"As the world makes the transformation from atoms to bits, so ministry outreach must make the same change. The second most sought after topic on the Internet, among almost a billion people, is about spiritual matters and a relationship with God. Millions search for answers every day in bits. One of the most powerful and comprehensive knowledge engines to meet these needs has been provided by It ranks among the best and most effective content available for those who seek truth and a relationship with Jesus Christ. These sites are moving people every day -- from all over the world -- to the foot of Calvary's cross for the most important decision they will ever make."
-- Walt Wilson, President, Palo Alto Research Group; Author, The Internet Church

AllAboutGOD Results: From May 2002 to December 2021, saw 378 million gospel presentations, with 3.024 million people indicating decisions for Jesus and over 125 million discipleship engagements from every country in the world! We now see the majority of those who reach out to us, get connected with a local pastor, so they can grow to live like Jesus in a local Christian community. All praise be to God alone who grants us favor on the web and gives the increase!

Read or download our Annual Report PDF.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

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Why Should God Let You In Heaven

How to Know God
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