Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Healing - Desperate NeedSpiritual healing is a huge need in the Body of Christ. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, approximately 16 million believers walk out of the Christian church each year and most do not return. Spiritual sickness and disillusionment is at an all time high. In North America, an average of 1,500 pastors and ministry leaders leave their post each month, again, most never return to the pulpit.
Each day, thousands of believers find too wide a gap between what they are taught in church and what they experience in reality. Disillusionment then sets in. The believer works hard to make his or her life work, and often the result is burnout, anger or hatred toward the church. The formulas, gimmicks, and promises haven't worked for these people, and many walk away from the Christian faith hurt and wounded, instead of loved and healed.
Spiritual Healing - Poison in the Pot!
Spiritual healing requires a spiritual diagnosis. When we become physically sick, we often ponder what we ate the day before. When we become spiritually sick, we should examine our spiritual diet. The Christian Gospel leads to life -- real eternal life with God. If a believer follows a Gospel that leads to anger, resentment, disillusionment and burnout, he's been following the wrong Gospel -- eating from a poison pot! Elisha and his followers had the same experience. The cook created the stew, and because he was eating it himself, no one ever thought the mixture could be poison. When there's "death in the pot" of the Gospel, it can make a believer spiritually sick, and even lead to spiritual death.
Spiritual healing takes place in the Tree of Life. Living in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil leads to death. Even the "good" in this tree leads to death. We must leave the Tree of Good and Evil and enter into "Tree of Life living"! Living in the Tree of Life is a whole new way of thinking for many who are used to "churchianity" - relying on the religious institution, rather than the living relationship with God.
Spiritual Healing - Safe Help is Available
A process for spiritual healing is available. A growing number of ministries designed to help the spiritually wounded are springing up across North America and around the world. In fact, a number of retreats are available to help prevent burnout before it occurs. Some are free, but many have some costs.
One excellent ministry for the wounded and burned-out spiritual leader is Smoldering Wick Ministries. All the services of this ministry are free, including personal counseling, written articles, "Tree of Life" living programs, educational tapes, friendship, and unconditional love. The ministry is run by Kim and Kathy Wenzel, who pastored for 23 years and experienced burn-out, termination and persecution - they can deeply relate to those who need a friend.
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WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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- Spiritual Healing
- Helping The Homeless
- Speaking In Tongues
- Gifts Of The Spirit
- Fruit Of The Spirit
- Christian Giving
- Discovering Spiritual Gifts
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