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Bible Archaeology - Cities of Old Testament scripture. Homes of Abraham and the Patriarchs. Capitals of the Mesopotamian Empires. Cities of ancient Israel.
Biblical Archaeology - Ancient civilizations, law and culture. Evidence that reveals early Israel. Dramatic support for Old Testament scripture. The most recent discoveries.
Dead Sea Scrolls - Learn why this compelling and historic find is so very important. Discover the best proof of divine inspiration: perfect prophecy.
Evidence For Jesus* - When it comes to archaeology, is there any evidence for Jesus? Do we have actual sites or artifacts that testify to the historical truth of Jesus Christ?
Shroud Of Turin - Is this cloth authentic? Was it the cloth that covered the body of Jesus Christ? What does the evidence show?
Dinosaur Fossils - Early definitions and discoveries. Fossilization process, controversial dating methods, the geologic column, and the extinction theories; younger than we think?
Dragon History - Universal accounts and depictions of dragons in ancient cultures. The evidence for dinosaurs centuries before the science of paleontology existed.
Piltdown Man - The discovery. The alleged missing link. The hoax. The perpetrators. Dawson, Woodward and Chardin. A warning to all of us.
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