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Christian Fasting - Denying something physical to glorify God and go deeper with Him in the Spirit. A recommended lifestyle for spiritual growth.
Christian Prayer - The Lord's Prayer - Christ's model for all of us. Meditation. Quiet thoughts. Insights to help deepen your communication with God.
Christian Worship - Showing reverence and gratitude to God who is worthy of all worship and praise. Learn the difference between worship and singing.
Faith In God - Although bolstered by evidence and transformed lives, our faith should be simple and pure, like the perspective of a child.
Glory To God - He is glorified through His creation, His works, His son Jesus, and believers who are living for Him.
Intercessory Prayer - The biblical foundation for intercession on behalf of others. A scriptural look at our model intercessor and High Priest, Jesus Christ.
Living Sacrifice - Christians are called to die to their former selves in service to God and others. Understanding this biblical truth.
Lord's Prayer - How should Christians pray to God the Father? Here's a devotion based on Christ's model in the Book of Matthew.
Nature Of God - A short touching story of discovering God's presence, praising His name, and understanding His unconditional love. Gaze on these things!
Power Of Prayer - How can my prayers be more powerful? Is there a secret formula? Does God really answer? Learn what the Bible says.
Praise And Worship - More than singing songs in church, it's a lifestyle of love from the heart. A biblical perspective on true worship.
Praise To God - How is praising Him accomplished? Why is it important to me? Discover why the Heavenly Father is worthy of worship.
Praising God - Thanking and adoring the Heavenly Father for His goodness and grace. Learn the importance of praise and implement it into your life.
Prayer And Fasting* - Abstaining from food for the purpose of focusing on God. As you rely on Him for wisdom and direction, He will answer.
Prayer Of Jabez - Enlarge your territory and increase your impact. Attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed - unless God steps in.
Surrender To God - What does this biblical phrase mean? Does surrender only have something to do with giving up? Discover that unconditional surrender is victory.
Worship - Praising God in Spirit and Truth. Glorifying God with the heart of David. It's all about God and His glory!
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