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Body Of Christ - Everyone who has a personal relationship with Jesus is part of this group. Learn how you can be a more effective member.
Christian Fellowship - A critical part of Christian growth is communion with like-minded believers. Find out what the bible teaches about fellowship.
Christian Love - All believers are called to love at a deep and selfless level. It's not a feeling, but a lifestyle.
Fellowship* - This is one of the primary purposes of mankind. Learn the importance of fostering love, trust, and security in your friendships.
Forgiving Others - How do I forgive the person who hurt me? Do I really need to? Why is it important?
Forgiving Yourself - Understand the importance of forgiveness and how to accomplish it in your own life. Make the choice to forgive.
God's Forgiveness - Without the shedding of Blood, there's no forgiveness. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God that died for you and me.
Learning To Forgive - Is forgiveness a natural reaction or a learned response? Learn where true forgiveness originates. We have been given direction.
Love Thy Neighbor - What�s the origin of this popular phrase? Where did Jesus introduce the concept in the Bible?
Prodigal Son - A reality for many parents. Prodigal stories from scripture. Trust God and His promises. Find hope for your prodigal experience.
Prodigal Son Part 2 - A Challenge for any Christian Parent or Grandparent
Small Group Bible Study - Small groups are a wonderful place to share, pray, study and celebrate. Join one or create one today.
Trinity Doctrine - A foundation of the Christian faith that's beyond human comprehension. One God. The tri-unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
True Friendship - What are the qualities of a genuine friend? What type of friend do you want to be? Discover the answers!
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