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Answers To Bible Questions - Understanding the nuances of the Bible can be a challenge. We can help! Ask your questions and find your answers here!
Bema Seat - When does this event take place? What is its purpose? Discover how the Bible describes this event.
Bible Answers - Who is Jesus? Does God exist? Why am I here? Find out the biblical response to these common questions.
Biblical Stewardship - Finding true value in life. Exercising our gifts and understanding what money�s all about. Are you using it wisely?
Charitable Giving - What's at the heart, mind and soul of generous giving? How do we give with confidence and experience true joy?
Christian Answers - Do you have questions about the Bible, God, or Jesus Christ? We will help you find the answers!
Christian Business Consulting - Christian principles for Christian executives to build a Christ-led business. Developing servant leaders, dedicated teams, and productive enterprises.
Christian Giving - How do I know which ministry to donate funds? How do I respond when organizations request money or significant donations?
Christian Mentoring - Why do men flee the counseling and accountability of other men? Be a man of courage and start a life-changing journey.
Christian Ministry* - The Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Glorifying God and serving man in love. Sharing the Good News of Jesus.
Christian Retreat Centers - Safe havens for Christian pastors and ministry leaders. Desperately needed in today's hustle and stress-filled world. Rest and recharge!
Christian Speakers - How do I find a speaker for my conference or event? What should I look for? Is the person qualified?
Christian Stewardship - How do Christians monitor their generous giving? How do Christians measure stewardship? What is a good framework for ministry selection?
Church Fund Raising - If God is all-powerful, why does He need my money? The biblical principles underlying appropriate and responsible giving.
Discovering Spiritual Gifts - Is it a hunt? Discover practical ways of finding your gift. What does the Bible say? What instruction is given?
Fruit Of The Spirit - The nine visible attributes of a true Christian life: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.
Gifts Of The Spirit - What are they? Are they important to me and my church? Do I have a gift? How do I know?
Men's Bible Study - The power of God's Word to transform the hearts and lives men. The need for men to connect with other men.
Men's Ministry - Discover how God can change lives through this vital addition to your church or small-group community.
Pastors' Wives - Wives in ministry often feel unappreciated and discouraged. They can experience tremendous levels of fatigue, burnout and persecution. Here's some hope!
Servant Leadership - We must fully abide in Jesus to lead a Christ-like business. Discover humility, seek Him first, and lovingly obey Him.
Speaking In Tongues - Different interpretations within the Christian church. What is the reality? What is the theology? The Biblical record explains the matter.
Spiritual Healing - Many Christians become disillusioned and burned-out in their faith. Many spiritual leaders get spiritually sick. Reconnect with God now!
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