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Attributes of God* - Ever wondered about God�s true nature? A breakdown of His character, as revealed in the Bible, can be discovered.
Does God Exist? - This is a prerequisite to answering the other big questions of life. How do you answer it? Was there a Creator?
God - Does He exist? Is He necessary or merely convenient? He is revealed in the concept and design inherent in all things!
God - Who is God? Order, Causation, Design, and Morality equals God. What is God's true nature? Did God write the Bible?
God Is Love - Our definition of love is much different than God's definition of love. Check out the differences for yourself.
Holy Spirit - More than an ethereal life force, He is one of the three persons of God. A difficult concept simply explained.
Is God Real? - A Question of Origins. The Evolution Paradigm and the Humanist Campaign. Information and Design declares the need for a Creator God.
Love Of God - Is the Creator a God of Love? God's Love revealed. God's Love foretold. God's Love manifested through His only Begotten Son.
Meaning Of Life - This has been the ultimate question since the beginning. It seems inherent in our nature to ask questions like this.
Names Of God - God uses many names in the Bible which explain His nature, character and the way He cares for us.
Original Sin - A genetic defect we all share. The reason we are separated from God. The justification for redemption through Jesus Christ.
Proof Of God - What would constitute evidence for God? Using fundamental design detection methodology, check out the incredible evidence for Intelligent Design now!
The Meaning Of Life - What is the purpose for existence? How to be faithful to our calling? How to discover a life of meaning?
Where Is God? - The ultimate question of life and eternity. How can we know God exists? How can we relate to Him?
Who Is God? - Who does He claim to be? The Creator? A benevolent friend? A life-force? Who is God to YOU?
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