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Below are links to our Biblical Studies sites.

10 Commandments - God's Holy Standards revealed in the Old Testament. Exodus 20. God's Holy Standards summed up in the New Testament. Matthew 22.
Ancient Israel - Archaeological evidence for the ancient cities of the Israelites mentioned in the Bible, including Jericho, Shechem, Dan, Jerusalem, and Megiddo.
Ancient Mesopotamia - Archaeological evidence for the most ancient cities and civilizations mentioned in the Bible, including Ur, Babylon, and the Hittite empire.
Ark Of The Covenant - Mystical object or historical artifact? A temporary covering for Israel's sins. A foreshadowing of true forgiveness through the coming Messiah.
Bible Codes - Discover evidence of traditional and tested examples of supernatural design and integration that leap from the pages of God�s Word.
Bible Contradictions - Alleged errors and inaccuracies in the Bible. A barrier for many critics. Definition, analysis, translation and context answer the questions.
Bible Contradictions - A few names and numbers must be considered copyist errors. However, any alleged inconsistency of any real significance is fully explainable.
Bible Manuscripts - When compared to other ancient writings, the Bible stands alone as the best-preserved literary work of all antiquity.
Bible Origin - Divine inspiration revealed in the Word of God. The New Testament canon and the authenticity of scripture. God-breathed Truth.
Bible Prophecies Fulfilled - A look at some Bible Prophecies Fulfilled in history, including the Decree of Cyrus, City of Tyre, and City of Samaria.
Bible Prophecy - Does biblical history line up with secular history. Learn the facts and view several examples from the Old Testament book of Daniel.
Bible Prophecy - The Bible itself declares the test for divine inspiration! The test is established as 100% fulfilled prophecy - no mistakes!
Bible Translations - The Bible has been translated from its original languages, but it has not been changed, interpreted or interpolated along the way.
Bible Truth - Why is the holy book any different than the others? Check out the reliability of the ancient writers and manuscripts.
Biblical Archaeology - A systematic approach to archaeology has taken off in the last century, revealing a great deal about the integrity of the Bible.
Biblical Prophecy - Does biblical history line up with secular history. Learn the facts and view several examples from the Old Testament book of Daniel.
Does Hell Exist - Is the place of torment and suffering that is spoken of in the Bible true? Is it a literal place?
Garden Of Eden - The Genesis Account of Adam, Eve and the "Very Good" Creation. Is there a contradiction in the biblical accounts?
Gay Christians - What does the Bible say about homosexuality in the church? Is it really sin? Why don't Christians accept all lifestyles?
Gnostic Gospels - What do these newly discovered texts really tell us? Are they reliable? Are they even useful?
God's Love - Discover the most precious loving act ever done. God sent His Son to die for you! Learn more about this gift.
Gospel Of John - Recent discoveries support the accuracy of John's writings. What compelled these men to write and defend such profound historical events?
Gospel Of Luke - Luke was a credible historian. His account was designed to collect the evidence and present the historical "case" for Jesus.
Gospel Of St. Thomas - Who wrote it and what does it say? Lost book of the Bible or discarded piece of Gnostic writing?
History Of The Bible - An ancient collection of writings, comprised of 66 separate books, written over approximately 1,600 years, by at least 40 distinct authors.
Holy Bible - Concise yet detailed review of the history of the Holy Bible. Discover the origins of the Old and New Testament.
Introduction To The Bible - What's the best way to start understanding the Bible? Read the perennial best seller cover-to-cover like a classic novel.
Is The Bible True? - Review the evidence for this remarkable book of antiquity. Was it really inspired by God? What is prophecy all about?
Israel Archaeology - Discover the evidence for the early Israelites, including the Merneptah Stele, Shishak Relief, Moabite Stone, and House of David Inscription.
Israel History* - No archaeological discovery has ever refuted a Biblical reference to ancient Israel. The Old Testament is being validated by the evidence.
Josephus - An Invaluable source of eyewitness testimony to the development of Western civilization as well as Christianity in the 1st Century.
King James Bible - The beloved and poetic translation from 1611. Its purpose and impact. A look at the history and translation team behind this classic version of the Bible.
Messianic Prophecy - Review the incredible evidence for Jesus Christ. Be assured that these prophecies were not conspired after-the-fact. Discover the awesome truth.
New Testament Archaeology - The evidence shows that the people, places and events were accurately represented in the biblical accounts. Nothing denies the historical record.
Origin Of The Bible - The truth about translations. The reliability of ancient manuscripts. The archaeological evidence. The power of prophecy. Credibility, authenticity and divine authorship.
Power Of Prophecy - The biblical prophecies aren't a tabloid lark, contrivance, conspiracy, or after-the-fact hoax. They are absolutely legitimate and compelling.
Saint Luke - The archaeological evidence establishes that Luke is a historian of the first rank. He is now considered one of the great historians.
Septuagint - The ancient Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures. An old testament source for early Christians. Credible proof for Messianic prophecy.
The Virgin Mary - Did Mary remain a virgin after the birth of Jesus? A review of the interpretive differences within the church.
Who Wrote The Bible? - A vital question that deserves serious investigation. An examination of the biblical texts and compelling evidence for divine inspiration.
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