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Adam And Eve - Who are they? The Biblical account. Milton's account. The Garden of Eden. Universal parenthood. Original sin. Meaning for today's world.
Beginning Of Christianity - The roots are far from squeaky clean. Narrow, exclusive and elitist? Check out the background of this wonderfully inclusive faith!
Blessed Virgin Mary* - The mother of Jesus Christ. The doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. A model for faith, not for worship.
Catholic Priests - Facts related to the priesthood and the Roman Catholic Church. The recent scandal. A difficult and unfolding issue for everyone.
Christian Church - Find out when and how it was formed; its origin, purpose and why and how to become a member.
Christian Faith - Discover the roots of Faith. It may not be based purely on evidence but it is definitely supported by evidence.
Church History - Concise summary showing much is to be gleaned from the events between the time of the apostles and the present.
History Of Christianity - Examine the roots of a facts-based faith. Study the reliable history of Jesus Christ, the Messiah foretold in prophecy.
Polycarp - A father of the Christian church. A combatant against Christian heresies. A martyr for the truth. A relevant testimony for today.
Religion Comparison - The denominations, movements and groups within the Christian church. What's at the core of Christianity? The timeless message of Christ.
Religious Pluralism - Evidence of relativism and compromise within the Christian church. A revealing interview of Christian leaders on Larry King Live.
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