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Angels - They're everywhere in pop culture. Do they really exist? What is myth? What is truth? What power do they possess?
Book Of Revelation - What does the general public think about End Times prophecy in the Bible? What does the Bible say about today's events?
Christian Home School - Discover the facts behind a Christian's choice to school their children from home. Learn how different families approach home education.
Cloning Ethics - The Biblical view of a medical, philosophical and political issue. The relevant scripture and conclusions to make an informed choice.
Crystal Healing - A form of �healing� that uses crystals or gemstones to deliver �spiritual� energy to the body. What�s it all about?
Easter Island History* - The history of Easter Island involves more than the common myths we�ve all heard about this island. Find out the truth here.
End Times - Wars, rumors of war, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes. The Bible reveals the many signs. Examine the record of recent of earthquakes.
Human Genetic Engineering - A hot issue: Time will tell how committed the United States will be regarding the absolute ban on human cloning.
Human Genome Project - Concise synopsis of its history, ultimate goal, and implications that suggests we should proceed wisely and cautiously with this knowledge.
Is Hell Real? - Is there a literal pit of fire where some people will spend eternity? If so, why did a loving God create such a place?
Life After Death - With September 11th and the Baby Boom generation reaching its 50�s death from catastrophe and old age are very personal.
Marilyn Manson - Discover the Shock Rocker's background, beliefs and philosophy. Find out his history and why he does what he does.
Mark Of The Beast - This is no longer just a Bible prophecy in Revelation, it is now clearly a technological reality with the VeriChip.
Meditation - A new emphasis on reflection and contemplation. Meaning in Hindu, New Age and Christian beliefs. Focus on truth and purity.
Money Problems* - Did you know that having more money isn�t the key to having financial satisfaction? Discover the real key here.
New World Order* - How will the European Union influence our culture? Ever wonder how the world�s affairs affect you? Find out about the NOW.
Noah's Ark - A feasibility study of the biblical story. The boat. The animals. The Flood. Check out the arguments and systematic research.
Nostradamus Prophecy - The background of this urban legend. Some examples of his so-called prophecies. Why do we care so much?
Ouija Board - Learn the history and the power behind this game. Is it dangerous or just a fun game? Discover the truth.
Out Of Body Experience - Practices of those who desire knowledge or power in the spiritual realm. Is there danger in this experience?
Parenting Skills - Learn how to impart wisdom in the areas of discipline, education, and finances. Prepare your child to become a responsible adult.
Partial Birth Abortion - Finding comfort in a huge myth. A letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal responding to the article.
Prayer In Public School - We provide accurate and historical information regarding the national tragedy of the elimination of prayer in our public school systems.
Prayer In Public School (Legal Precedents) - We provide accurate and historical information regarding the national tragedy of the elimination of prayer in our public school systems.
Prayer In School - A review of current case law and constitutional principles related to school prayer. When it's lawful to exercise religious expression
Premarital Sex - Is it morally right or wrong? How do I know for sure? What should I take into consideration when making this decision?
Pro-Abortion - The history of a movement. The verdict of the Court. The current agenda. The current paradox. The definition of life.
Pro-Choice Abortion - The history of a movement. The verdict of the Court. The Procedural Choices. The Health Risks. The definition of life.
Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research - Understand the positive and negative effects of this research. Learn about adult cells, cord cells, and embryonic cells.
Racial Prejudice* - The color of a person�s skin has long been a source of great debate among peoples of all ethnicities. Why?
Reincarnation - Why the Eastern philosophy of soul transmigration appeals to Western "religious" thinking. Why the life-cycle doctrine cannot coexist with Christianity.
School Prayer - Darrell Scott, father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School Shootings, testifies for prayer in our schools.
School Prayer Case Law - The case law history in the U.S. A legacy of First Amendment revision regarding school prayer and Bible reading.
Separation Of Church And State - Understand the concept of the Establishment Clause in the context of the time and the framers of the constitution.
Tarot Cards - What's in a deck? From gypsies to New Agers, here's the history, beliefs and methodology. Harmless fun or occultish practice?
Teen Abortion - Parental notification and consent laws. The positions. The risks. The lasting effects. The miracle of the life inside you.
Ten Commandments - They dictate absolute truth in how we should live our lives and raise our children. Should we consider removing them?
Voice Of The Martyrs - Discover how martyrdom shows compelling and dramatic evidence for the belief in Jesus Christ from the 1st century to today.
Wicca Spells - Rooted in ancient pagan belief, this "religion" is practiced by many around the world. Who do wiccans worship and why?
Word Origin - Origins of words and phrases. A view of world history, cultural diversity and the current times. Phrases from the Bible.
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