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Buddha Statue - Ancient background. The Enlightened One. The Four Noble Truths. The Noble Eightfold Path. A belief system hungry for meaning and hope.
Celestine Prophecy - A New Age guidebook to spiritual transformation.
Christian Prophecy - The Jewish Messiah revealed in the Jewish Scriptures. A Jewish perspective on discovering the truth of Yeshua as Savior and Lord.
Christianity - Concise yet detailed review of the history of Christianity. What makes it different from other religions? Investigate the substantial evidence.
Edgar Cayce - Who was the Sleeping Prophet? What was his psychic success record? What about the other so-called prophets and their legitimacy?
Egyptian Gods - Ancient Egyptian religious tradition. Pre-dynastic history. The creation myths. Life after death. Common themes with other religions. Universal truth.
Freemasonry - The background and the basics. The lore, legends and conspiracies. A social fraternity or religious institution? The doctrinal beliefs.
Greek Gods - The historical, religious and social background. The creation and flood myths. Life after death. Effects on meaning and morality today.
History Of Israel - Discover Israel. Trace it's birth as a nation about 4000 years ago to today. See how the Bible fits in.
Maitreya* - Discover what Maitreya stands for and who he is. How does it differ in various countries? What is the truth?
Messianic Jew - Yeshua revealed as the Messiah. The power of prophecy in the Jewish scriptures. Wonderful testimonies and ministries from the Jewish community.
New Age - A collection of metaphysical thought systems. Universal tolerance. Moral relativism. Evolutionary Godhood. Global Unity. Situational truth is no truth at all.
Origin Of Islam - What do Muslims believe? How did the Islamic religion begin? What is the Qur�an? Does it contain truth?
Origin Of Religion - The ancient foundations of religious belief: Polytheism, pantheism and monotheism. Hinduism, Buddhism. Confucianism. Taoism. Egyptian. Greek. Roman. Judaism. Christianity.
Polytheism - Polytheistic beliefs in the ancient world. Polytheistic beliefs in the modern world. Impact on New Age pluralism. The monotheistic alternative.
Pope John Paul II - Papal History 101. A biography of the current Pope of Roman Catholicism. A look at the doctrine of Papal Infallibility.
Roman Catholic Church - Like other denominations, members often trust in the religion. The Bible says to put our trust in a relationship with Christ.
Roman Gods - The history of pantheism in Rome. The influence of Etruscan and Greek cultures. The Roman Empire and its divine emperors.
Transcendental Meditation - Hindu-based movement. New Age connection. The foundation, philosophy and diversity of Hinduism. End the cycle and find true hope.
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