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Assurance Of Salvation - Can someone be certain of their eternal destination? Once someone has accepted Jesus Christ, can they lose that relationship?
Become A Christian - Learn how to become a Christian today - Just say this prayer and truly mean it in your heart.
Christian Testimonies - Let your life be your story! Let your experience with God be your testimonial for Him! Share it!
Christian Witnessing - Sharing our faith is a matter of the heart. We're not called to be lawyers or judges, just witnesses for Christ.
Evangelism - Remember those who invited you to experience God's love and forgiveness. Where can you share the incredible love of Jesus?
Global Evangelism - Shake the fear and grow where God�s planted you. Focus on the organic process rather than a one-time event.
Going To Heaven - Are you on your way to heaven or hell? Find out how to know for sure. Who goes there?
How To Be Saved* - What does the Bible say about knowing for sure that you�ll go to heaven when you die? What does it mean to be saved?
How To Become A Christian - Is it a simple act of joining a church, being baptized, or being religious? Discover what God says.
How To Get To Heaven* - Do you want to learn how to have eternal life? Do you want to be assured of going to heaven?
John 3:16 - In any Bible translation, in any language, the message from God is clear and simple. Discover His boundless love today.
Orphanage Outreach - A pure and faultless religion. A calling for all Christians to share in the blessing of worldwide orphan care.
The Passion Of Christ - The passion and truth of Christ are revealed! Why was it necessary for Him to die on the cross?
Plan Of Salvation - Are you 100% sure that if you were to die today that you would go to heaven? Know for sure!
Prayer Of Forgiveness - Reconnect with God. A priceless gift made possible through Jesus Christ. The start of a new life and a new hope.
Prayer Of Salvation - A conversation with God where we confess our sin and profess faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Roman Road - Discover the scriptural basis for being saved and learn the prayer of salvation offered through the grace of Jesus Christ.
Roman Road To Salvation - A letter of Good News. A unique presentation of the Christian gospel through the eyes of a graduating high school senior.
Salvation Prayer - Back to the basics for rebirth in Jesus Christ. Believe, accept, repent and be baptized. The cornerstone is Christ.
Share Jesus Without Fear - Are you afraid to tell of your faith? Learn how to be prepared and have a plan to get the conversation started.
Sinner's Prayer - We're all sinners that need to recognize our sin and repent of it. Become a sinner saved by grace!
The Great Commission - A personal directive from Jesus Christ to all His followers. A timeless and wonderful adventure in faith for all Christians.
The Passion Of Christ - The Passion of the Christ is revealed in the film and why it was necessary for Him to die on the cross.
The Roman Road - Ready to accept God's gift? Here�s a basic prayer for you as a guideline for your sincere step of faith.
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