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Absolute Truth - Inflexible Reality. Do fixed, invariable, unalterable facts really exist? What do relativists say? A logical look at the philosophical arguments.
Agnostic - Is this philosophical position feasible in light of scientific evidence? A review of the microscopic world, including the Bacterial Flagellum.
Atheism - A practical look at the definitions of atheism, agnosticism and theism. Belief vs. Disbelief. Knowledge vs. Lack of Knowledge.
Communism - Marx, Engels and The Communist Manifesto. The economic and political philosophy. The atheistic and amoral reality. A costly experiment for society.
Critical Thinking 101 - I looked at the observable evidence for myself. I examined my decades-old presuppositions about science, nature, technology and origins.
Cultural Materialism - Marvin Harris and The Rise of Anthropological Theory. Comparisons to Marxist Materialism and other anthropological doctrines. Organization, ideology and symbolism.
Cultural Relativism - Cultural Relativism - Moral, situational and cognitive relativism. Relative truth. Pluralism, tolerance and subjectivity. Right and wrong defined by social norms. Illogical conclusion!
Gods And Goddesses - Foundation of mythology in ancient cultures. Egyptian history and creation myths. Greek history and the religious background of the city-state.
Humanism - The history of Humanism and it's manifesto. What are the implications of a humanistic outlook? Does God exist? Explore now.
Is There A God? - How did we get here? A look at 21st century science in light of the theistic and atheistic views of origins.
Materialism - Doctrine, philosophy and worldview. Preoccupation with the physical. Rejection of the intellectual and spiritual. The interdependence of philosophy and science.
Metaphysics - Logic screams that something is responsible for life. It's imperative to move forward and discover what caused everything we see.
Moral Ethics - How do we make moral decisions? Is it a question of relativity? Or is it a question of absolute truth?
Moral Relativism - Are standards of right and wrong mere products of time and culture? Is morality really a neutral concept? Find out!
Morality - Where did our system of moral conduct come from? Did it evolve? Was it learned? Or was it perfectly designed?
My Worldview - I created my own philosophy for living. Using standard cultural labels, I was a materialist, naturalist, relativist, humanist, hedonist.
Naturalism - A philosophical, theological and scientific explanation for everything. A look at cosmological and biological origins. The staggering statistics against materialism.
Philosophy Of Life - My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads (Antony Flew).
Problem Of Evil - Philosophical challenge to the existence of a loving God. Free will explored. True love requires the capacity for real evil.
Realism And Naturalism* - My biggest barrier to any kind of religious faith was 20th century science and technology - natural processes and wonderful chance.
Secular Humanism - Excluding God from schools and society. The Humanist Manifesto. Theory of Evolution. Atheist philosophy and doctrine. The religion of humanism.
Situational Ethics - Joseph Fletcher and his model of ethics. All decisions should be based on love. The model contradicts God's Law.
Why Am I Here? - One of life�s basic questions. Are there varying opinions? Learn two viewpoints and the enormous ramifications. Unearth the facts now.
Why Are We Here - A question that has plagued and challenged mankind for generations. What does the Bible say? What is the logical conclusion?
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