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Age Of Earth - Why does the age of the Earth matter? What are the two worldviews? Are we being educated or indoctrinated?
Big Bang Theory - Concise synopsis of the big bang theory's background, historical foundations, major problems. Explore alternatives to our ultimate question of origins.
Carbon Dating - The premise, the method, and the controversy. What do scientists think about this popular dating method? Find out here!
Catastrophism - The opposite of Uniformitarianism and the Geologic Time Scale. Evidence for cataclysmic activity on earth. The Noachian Flood. The implications.
Cell Structure - As functionally complex as a small city, the cell is made up of multiple structures, each with a different operational role.
Charles Darwin - His Evolutionary Theory of Origins. His family background and education. The HMS Beagle and Origin of Species. His lasting effect.
Charles Darwin - He proposed "Natural Selection" as the mechanism by which an original single-celled organism could have evolved into all known species.
Creation Evidence - Evidence that discredits evolutionary theory. Lack of natural mechanism. Lack of transitional fossils. Time constraints. Unacceptable models under scientific rules.
Creation Of Life - Producing traces of amino acids in a laboratory is far from creating biological systems. Life is truly a miracle.
Creation Vs. Evolution - The definitions. The debate. The evidence. The challenge. A review of cosmic, chemical, stellar, planetary, organic, micro and macro evolution.
Creation Vs. Evolution - The definitions. The debate. The evidence. The challenge. A review of cosmic, chemical, stellar, planetary, organic, micro and macro evolution.
Darwin's Theory Of Evolution - A theory in crisis in light of the tremendous advances we've made in molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and information theory.
Dinosaur Extinction - Review the considerable evidence for this theory of recent dinosaur extinction. The facts overwhelmingly point to it as being truth.
DNA Double Helix - The DNA double helix is a great scientific discovery. Does it point to an act of randomness or divine intervention?
DNA Molecule - Organic life is based on vastly complex information code. Like today's complex software codes, such information cannot arise by chance.
Evidence For Evolution - The unsupported icons of evolution still found in today's textbooks, including homology, embryology, observed natural selection, and the fossil record.
Evidence For Intelligent Design - Phenomenal discoveries in the last few decades have unequivocally demonstrated that living systems are machines at the deepest, molecular level.
Evolution And The Fossil Record - With over 100 million fossils of 250,000 different species, the gaps in the so-called transitional chain are now undeniable.
Evolution Of Man - All humans originate from an ape-like ancestor that existed a few million years ago. Learn the concepts of this theory.
Evolution Vs Creation - The Great Debate over the Model of Origins: the theories, contentions, and evidence. The lack of evidence and the resolution.
Evolutionism - Are the suggested evolutionary phases valid? A review of cosmic, stellar, chemical, planetary, organic, macro and micro evolution.
Fossil Record - Since Darwin put forth his evolutionary theory, scientists have sought fossil evidence indicating past organic transitions. Where's the evidence leading?
Geologic Time Scale - Explanation of it and some of the common misconceptions and issues regarding the supposed proof of the theory of evolution.
How Old Is The Earth? - Historical thoughts and modern evidence. Uniformitarianism and evolutionary theory. DNA and fossil evidence. Natural chronometers pointing to a Young Earth.
Human Eye - A perfect and interrelated system of about 40 individual subsystems, including the retina, pupil, iris, cornea, lens, and optic nerve.
Intelligent Design - An examination of mechanical and biological machines. Spontaneous generation vs. concept and design. The fantastic complexity at the molecular level.
Intelligent Design Theory - Does design necessitate a designer? Is the design inherent in biological systems merely an accidental product of natural selection?
Irreducible Complexity - Complex organs and microscopic machines exist which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications. Darwin was right.
Microscopic Organisms - If the first, simple organisms created on prebiotic earth are at the foundation of evolutionary thinking, then what's a "simple" organism?
Miracle Of Life - The probability of life arising by chance is comparable to 1050 blind people solving a Rubik's Cube at the same moment.
Origin Of Life - The rise and fall of Spontaneous Generation. Francesco Redi. Louis Pasteur. Charles Darwin and evolutionary theory. The continuing misrepresentation.
Origin Of Life - Science teaches that organic life sprung from non-organic matter through a natural mechanistic process on a pre-biotic earth.
Origin Of Species - Darwin's classic work and the foundation of evolutionary theory. Natural selection in theory and practice. Check out the latest science.
Origin Of The Universe - The atheist mechanisms for all that we see. The Big Bang and Inflation Universe Theories. The Evolutionary Theories. A Critique.
Origin Of The Universe - A speck of infinite density appeared from no where, for no reason, only to start expanding all of a sudden.
Problems With The Fossil Record - Based on Darwin's own words, his theory of macro-evolutionary progression fails if we don't find evidence in the fossil record.
Radiometric Dating - A questionable method for establishing the old age of rocks. The unreliable basis for the Geologic Time Scale of earth.
Second Law: Thermodynamics - Laws of Heat Power. Law of Increased Entropy. Order to disorder, randomness and chaos. The birth of our universe.
Spontaneous Generation - How did the first organism arise by chance on our so-called "primitive planet?" How did a rock turn into life?
Age Of The Earth - Young Earth vs. Old Earth. A study of Limiting Factors. Magnetic field. Earth rotation. Moon drift. Young is not unreasonable.
Age Of The Earth - Young earth or old earth model? Historical review of majority opinion. Radiometric dating. Natural chronometers pointing to a young earth.
The Flood - The biblical story from Genesis. The universal traditions from all over the world. The dramatic, life-changing physical evidence.
Theory Of Evolution* - There were at least five fundamental stages of evolution that were required prior to any possibility of organic life.
Theory Of Relativity - The basics of Albert Einstein�s theory regarding gravitational phenomena. The assumptions and approximations.
Uniformitarianism - The dominant geological paradigm for more than a hundred and fifty years. What are the claims? What are the evidences?
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